
【作品展のご案内】4/5㈯-7㈭Nadia Oh Sueh Peng ナディア・オー・スー・ペン 作品展


Nadia Oh Sueh Peng 



Artist Biography


Nadia Oh Sueh Peng is a visual artist based in Singapore. She received her Master of Art in Fine Arts from Goldsmiths College, the University of London in 2014. Nadia’s poetic and intricate artworks aim to explore the notion of earthly and empyreal treasures inspired by fleeting moments of light and shadow in nature, as seen from the confines of the typical Singaporean apartment block. Nadia has participated in shows and exhibited in Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, New Zealand, and Ireland. Her work includes lithography and aquatint printmaking, sculpture, installations, and photographic prints on fabric, together with stitching. Besides art practice, she is a lecturer at McNally School of Fine Arts, Lasalle, College of the Arts, University of the Arts Singapore.






Artist Statement


My artworks are poetic and intricate.


The fleeting moments of light and shadow in nature as seen from the confines of an apartment’s windows inspire and give precious

eternal treasures residing in empyrean dimensions become the core of my art practice. With the use of different materials, medium,

and photography print on fabric together with stitching.


Yarn and thread, they are like drawing, they allow me to draw glimpses of the transcendental, the in-between feelings and affections observed every day. The little things that make life worth living.


The artworks crafted in this exhibition share the artist’s exploration of unrepeatable moments, about anything, about everything.

Their presence is there even if there is nobody.


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